A downloadable game

Raise a cult to gain favor with mighty Cthulhu and sink this paradise to the depths of R'lyeh.

Pixel Game Jam - 2024 - itch.io

Hold the island at the end of 30 days and gain enough favor to complete your dark ritual as the storm builds.
Click on island zones to access upgrades.
Gather money, cultists, and influence to upgrade and maintain your cult's presence on the island.
Beware of the locals forming mobs to try to destroy you. Every round they will reduce your cult's influence.  If your total influence drops to zero, you lose.



CultOfAquaFides.zip 34 MB

Install instructions

Unzip to get to exe


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Won on Day 11 (no idea if that's good haha)! Fun game, thanks for putting it together!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! We are still doing a ton of tuning, but had to aubmit for the game jam. The goal is actually to stay above the needed favor until day 30. But we don't have a clear set of directions in. Thanks for the feedback, it is greatly appreciated!